One of the excuses by business owners for not using Twitter is the overwhelming number of tweets that pass their screen in any given minute. It’s fast – especially the more people you follow. Trying to keep up with them all can make you go cross eyed. Seriously.
It can also be a fairly negative space, with some of the tweets downright horrible.
Creating dedicated Twitter lists not only keeps track of the conversations that interest you and filter out the negativity, but you can also come across some fabulous media and blogger opportunities.
Two Twitter lists worth creating are a ``media list’’ and a ``blogger list''. This is the opportunity to follow media outlets and journalists who sometimes put out tweets looking for talent for their stories. Without a list, you’re likely to miss this opportunity – and the chance for some additional exposure for your business.
More importantly, it becomes a chance to build relationships with influencers by taking part in their conversations. And it’s OK on Twitter to ``tweavesdrop’’ and add to someone else’s conversations. I know - imagine doing that in the real world!
Here's how to create a Twitter list:
Step 1: Start a Twitter list
Click on your profile photo and scroll down to "Lists".
Step 2: Create a new Twitter list
Click on "Create New List"
Step 3: Name your Twitter list
Name your Twitter List, add a description if you like and then determine if you want it to be public or private. If it's public, anyone can follow the list.
Step 4: Edit Twitter List
You can then edit or delete any of the details in your Twitter list, check the members in it and check who's subscribed to your list.
Step 5: Share Twitter List
If you look in your URL bar, you'll also notice the URL of your Twitter list. You can share this URL with others who might want to follow the list.
Step 6: Adding names to your Twitter list
You can add names to your Twitter list by visiting anyone's profile, clicking on the wheel next to the "follow/following" button and click on "Add or remove from lists". You'll be presented with this:
where you can "add" them to any of your lists by clicking the checkbox next to the appropriate list.
Five ways to find journalists and bloggers on Twitter:
- Google the name of relevant journalists, media outlets and bloggers, plus ``Twitter’’ and if they have an account their handle will appear. So, for example, ``Kellie O'Brien+Twitter''.
- Follow journalists and blogger lists created by those you discovered in point 1.
- View other people’s media and blogger lists, including journalists, PRs and businesses.
- Look through 501 Australian Journalists and News Media People on Twitter. Although, bear in mind, this list is from 2009, so you’ll need to go through it with a fine tooth comb.
- View the Blog Chicks directory, which has a list of bloggers and their Twitter handles beside them. Again, note that the information may be out of date in some cases (for example, my Three Li’l Princesses handle is @ThreeLil, despite being changed since to @KellieOBrienAU).
Other uses for Twitter lists
You can also create lists for:
- hashtags and keywords if you’re at an event,
- taking part in a webinar,
- researching a topic or
- wanting to keep abreast of news on a particular topic.
Now, no excuses!
If you want to move to the next level with Twitter, join the 5-Day Twitter Challenge. Click the image below.
Do you use Twitter lists? What lists have you created?
[…] Create a media and blogger Twitter list For those of you looking to further market your business, it’s a smart move to set up your own list of journalists and bloggers in Hootsuite so you can check for any media callouts they may have. […]