One of my entrepreneurial friends was sharing how she’s become disheartened with blogging,. “I don’t have time for blogging,” she says. I understand it’s a real battle finding time to write.
She admitted her blog post writing time can seem to span two days. That might include writing a post, finding just the right images and then uploading it to WordPress. We’re not even counting the social sharing to her Facebook page, Facebook groups, then there’s Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Oh, and send it out to her email list.
Who has time for all that?
However, the most disheartening part is that nothing becomes of that blog post writing time. It doesn’t bring her any new email subscribers and there are no new sales.
The thing is, where a bricks and mortar business has a physical shopfront, for us as online businesses our website really is our shopfront.
You need to show:
- There’s someone “home” by producing new content and showing how people have been interacting with it
- Show your expertise and authority, because you often don’t have as many face-to-face conversations with potential clients
- Share a bit of your personality, because the truth is people want to do business with people, not businesses.
And a blog can do that.
Does blogging have to be hard?
Now, I’m not saying blogging is easy, but it certainly doesn’t have to take away two days of your week (or even one for that matter), or have you banging your head against the keyboard in frustration at the lack of results.
I sometimes think we feel our businesses have to be a hard slog, so we find a way to make it more challenging than it needs to be. Yes, when it comes to blogging, there is an easier way to learn how to blog regularly.
One of the key things to determine is your best method for generating content to make the most of your blog post writing time. This is really where you want to experiment. Some of these can be done while waiting for the kids in the pick up zone at school, or maybe you’re sitting out on your back deck enjoying a Pimms (do people still drink Pimms? Maybe not!). Either way, find a time and place when inspiration is high and ideas are flowing.
Now, dive into some of these blog post writing methods and see which ones are a good fit for you:
How to create blog content
Speak your blog posts
If you find the process of sitting at your laptop to write a blog post difficult because you don’t have time for blogging, then don’t. Instead, speak your blog posts straight into a notetaker and send to a transcription service like TranscribeMe, HappyScribe, Rev, Otter or use a VA. Previously, I’ve used the Voice Assistant app, but now rely more on HappyScribe.
Not all transcribing services are perfect, but they’re a great start to saving time. The beauty of this process is people can hear your voice within your written content more clearly. Plus, you’ll generate content much quicker. I have been known to create blog posts in the bathroom while doing my hair!
The other beauty of this is when you’re “in flow”, you can batch a heap of blogs posts, which is secrets to how to blog regularly.
Use ol’ fashioned pen and paper
Seriously, you will be surprised by how effective this can be. Your brain works differently when you write on paper as to writing on a computer screen. You’ll find you’re more creative and, the other bonus, is there isn’t the distractions. Hello, Facebook!
Take a notepad and pen into a quiet area, along with a cup of tea, and start writing words and doodling. Then see what starts flowing onto the page.
Write without editing first
Are you one of THOSE people? You know, the ones who have to edit what they’re writing as they’re writing it? Well, stop that right now. I can tell you, it will drastically slow down your writing process – and your creativity.
Write freely and without judgment. Once a post is flowing, don’t stop for typos, grammar or even the right wording. You can use a thesaurus for that later. Or even a dictionary if you don’t know how to spell thesaurus (yes, that was me writing this sentence!) Leave the editing till after you have all your ideas down and focus on writing without editing first.
Batch your blog post writing time
Oh yes, this is a good one. I mentioned it earlier, but it’s really a secret to getting content created quickly.
When writing is happening easily for you (or recording, if you happen to be doing that instead), then do a month’s worth of content in one day – or an afternoon, depending on how fast you are. I
t will take away the pressure of having to produce content on a regular basis and allows you to create more synergy between your posts. This approach also frees up space in your calendar and your head to focus on other areas of your business.
Write a blog regularly
Sometimes it’s not that we don’t have time for blogging, but rather that it feels overwhelming. But the more you write, the easier it gets. As a journalist, I had to write six to 10 stories per day. That never seemed like a big challenge. When I started blogging, doing one blog post a day wasn’t a huge challenge either. Of course, as your business grows, finding time can be more difficult.
You need to find what rhythm works for you. Understand that I’m certainly not one for rules around how often you should blog. Once you start having strict rules around what you should and shouldn’t be doing, you’ll simply stifle any creativity and the desire to want to write anything. I know. I’ve been there.
So go with what feels right. You will find writing comes easier when you learn how to blog regularly.
Mix up the media
Blogging doesn’t have to be just text, you know. You can create a regular podcast if you prefer audio, YouTube clips if you prefer being on camera and infographics if you’re more interested in images. Be creative and go with what comes easily to you!
It’s OK to take a break from blogging
Don’t feel guilty if you need a break from blogging. It’s perfectly understandable. There is no use producing content for the sake of it and running into blogger burnout. While there are certainly some strategies to help avoid blogger burnout, it’s also OK to hang up the blog fingers for a short spell.
Don’t have time for blogging but want to achieve more?
If you want to learn more approaches to make blogging for business easier, including content ideas, building an email list effortlessly and how to generate a profit, register your interest in the Content Marketing Workshop AND get a copy of the free Post Template: Your Guide To Blogging With Purpose.
The online content marketing workshop for business owners will open soon.
What ideas do you have for making blogging easier?
NEXT READ: Do you really need a blog plan?
Please note: This blog post includes affiliate links.
Hi Kellie, Great tips here. I particularly like the idea of batch writing and that it doesn’t have to be just writing, but a podcast or pictures etc. Another idea might be a Question and Answer type blog dealing with issues your clients might have. You’re right, it doesn’t have to be hard, you can enjoy a “Pimms” on the deck and write a great blog. Thanks for the information. Cheers Leeza
I love the Q&A idea, Leeza. It’s a great way to tackle reader questions that come in via email.
A little different again, but I did a series a while back interviewing other entrepreneurs in a Q&A format. They were always really popular and something I’ve had on the radar to do again.
Glad you liked them! x
This is a great post Kellie. Finding the time to blog with three kids – when one is a 3 month old baby can be hard but I try and do batch posts when I can and have never thought to use a voice recorder to make content for posts. And I should do some infographic posts. Thanks for the tips. 🙂
My pleasure, Bec. Glad you found it helpful. I’m still a big writer, but have dabbled in the voice recorder a lot more lately. But I really do love batch posts. It’s definitely helping with productivity! 🙂
These are great tips Kellie! I love the batching Idea. I find if I create a series it helps me focused on a larger topic and usually gets better results, comments and sharing.