EVER had one of those days when you feel like all the businesses or bloggers around you are gaining media coverage and you’re not? Then you take a look at your own business or blog and struggle to find a news angle?
Interestingly, the comment I receive most in relation to PR is: “I want to promote my business/blog, but I don’t have a topic that’s newsworthy’’.
The good news is, there are plenty of opportunities right under your nose. Here are just 30 ideas for pitching yourself to the media.
- Winning a state, national or international award for business or blogging.
- Keep abreast of the news. When something newsworthy happens in your field – whether on a local, national or international level – be prepared so you can pitch yourself as an expert.
- Release a new product or service – just make sure it’s unique or has an interesting story to it.
- Publish a book. It tends to give the perception you’re an expert in a particular field – even if you’re not.
- Getting mentioned in someone else’s book.
- Host a major charity event. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate dinner and ball with a sports memorabilia auction either. Be creative.
- Raise a large amount of money through the product you’re selling and donate it to a worthy cause.
- Celebrate a milestone anniversary with your blog or business.
- Appearing at a national event. Just make sure the event organiser is comfortable with this.
- Host free classes or demonstrations in your local community by drawing on your skills base. This could range from a business course to photography classes, tai chi demonstrations or blogging sessions. It will allow you the opportunity for a preview story and coverage on the day.
- Conduct a poll or survey and use the results to form a press release about current trends in a particular area. You will need to gain a significant number of responses for this to be of interest to the media.
- National media exposure in magazines or TV shows (great for local media).
- Report a new study and include your analysis and forecasts.
- Create an event with a celebrity.
- Launch a competition that is unique. Remember the “best job in the world’’ campaign?
- When you business is awarded a new contract.
- Make a bold statement. As long as you’re willing to back yourself and you’ve done your research.
- Create a “National such-and-such Day/Week/Month’’.
- Changes within your organisation – a new CEO, start employing staff, opening of new facilities or promotions.
- Receiving a grant, scholarship or overseas study tour.
- A move into international markets with your business.
- Tie your product or business into a holiday theme – Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day etc
- Start a new or unique business or blog
- Reaching a major milestone.
- A celebrity is photographed with your product, mentions it in an interview or comments on your blog.
- Expanding or renovating the business.
- Gaining a significant new customer.
- Changing your business, product or blog name.
- Creating an award to honour individuals or business in the community.
- Opening branch offices of your business.
So there you have it. No excuses now.
Find evergreen story hooks for your business inside the 2016 PR News Calendar, a calendar that will give you story ideas to pitch the media year-round.
What ideas from this list could you use for your business or blog?
Wow, lots of ideas Kel! I feel the first paragraph applies to me at the moment. I would love an award for my blog but since I don’t write a typical “Mummy Blog” I don’t think I could really get one as the awards are mainly for those blog types, well from what I have found.
You just never know, Kym. It’s worth looking to see what else is out there. I haven’t looked into all the award opportunities for bloggers (apart from what we already know), but it’s something I’d like to investigate more. Will keep you posted.
Hopefully some of the other ideas are useful too. 🙂