The thought of segmenting email lists can cause some people to go into a spin. How do you do that? What if I’m only using Mailchimp? How am I segmenting them? And what is the purpose of segmenting them in the first place?
An online marketing quiz is a really simple way to achieve that.
Let’s take a look at building a quiz for your business.
Principles of A Marketing Quiz
Those Buzzfeed quizzes that show up in your Facebook newsfeed are good for virality, but we want to create quizzes that achieve a few things. You need them to:
- Attract your most aligned client to your business. This means no quizzes about cats or anything completely irrelevant to what you do or the pain point you solve.
- Give them a new perspective on a topic or highlight a need they have (whether they’re aware of the need or not).
- Segment visitors into categories to allow for greater tailoring of your message and offers based on their needs. In turn, this results in higher conversions to your offers.
- Offer them a solution and a next step to start along your client pathway. This offer doesn’t always need to be a paid offer either. It could be inviting them to a webinar, downloading a PDF checklist or getting on a discovery call.
Ideas for quizzes to make
You may have seen many different types of quizzes out there in the online world. It’s hard to know which is going to be most effective. But there are a few key quizzes worth experimenting with in your business. Here are 3 quiz types:
The Personality Quiz
The Personality Quiz defines people by their personality type. Obviously! These types of quizzes can be adapted to nearly every business. For example, if you’re a cafe, you can define which type of coffee suits which personality type best. It’s a fun way to get people engaging with your brand and then maybe even coming into your business and ordering a particular type of coffee to see if they feel it really does suit their personality.
Plus, something like this has an element of virality to it because it’s so fun. For a branding business, you can quiz people about which brand style suits what they most want to project and to attract their ideal client.
The Knowledge Quiz
Do you teach people within your business? Or do you want to know how much your most aligned clients know about what it is you sell? This is an excellent way to test their knowledge and fully understand where they’re at. You can then sell them a solution to bridge the gaps they have.
I’ve adapted the Knowledge Quiz slightly to create my “What PR “gate” is keeping you from gaining media coverage?” This allows me to see how much business owners are aware of what they’re doing in their business that is preventing them from gaining media coverage.
The Buyer’s Quiz – or Score Quiz
All quizzes can lead to a sale. However, you can construct a quiz with the sole purpose of helping prospects who are ready to buy. This can be obvious – like determining which of your products is ideal for them – or more subtle, like “How old are you really?” for a nutrition or fitness business.
The basis of this type is giving someone a score based on their answers and then giving them a solution to improve their score.
There are templates for all three of these quiz types in a new tool I’m using called Interact. More on that in a minute.
Online marketing quiz questions and answers
You can go around in circles with this one, so I suggest you first step back and look at the bigger picture before you even start with the questions and answer choice.
Determine where you want them to end up and what the pathway will be beyond the answer they receive. Then you can move into thinking about what digital marketing questions and answers you’re looking for.
Let me give you an example of my online quiz – the Entrepreneruial Motivation Quiz.
Take the Entrepreneruial Motivation Quiz.
Firstly, I looked at what my goal was for this online test – which was to attract people to The Online Marketing Mastermind, which starts again February 2022.
Then, I looked at the previous step, which was which quiz type was going to be best. I decided to do a version of the Personality Test, which is What Style of Motivation Is Your Secret Weapon In Business?
This now leads to what my answers are and the answer explanation I give for each.
For this quiz, I split it into three categories to make it easy for myself and not overcomplicate the quiz. Simple is best. These includes:
- one-on-one motivation,
- group motivation and
- self motivation.
The final step at this stage is to determine the questions you’re going to ask to allow people to arrive at one of those three questions. This is where knowing the marketing quiz questions and answers you’re seeking from this style of lead magnet is important.
Questions I chose for this had two purposes –
- to determine what motivated them and
- to see if they had a need for more systemisation in their business through a soulful client pathway to allow them to achieve more in their business,
which is what the The Online Marketing Mastermind is about.
I’m currently using Interact as my quiz builder, which I’ll share more on in a minute, but they have some clever and strategic questions to get you started on the right foot. You can take what they have and then adapt it to what you want to achieve.
Quiz Question Examples
Here’s an example of a couple of the questions from their templates:
- What’s your ideal (blank)?
- Pick a movie
- What inspires you?
- Which of the following would you rather have?
- What is your purpose as an (blank)?
- What do you think is the most important part of (blank)?
Create a quiz for your website using Interact
Now you know your outcome, you know your quiz type, your topic and your question and answers, it’s time to build it.
As a sales funnel strategist, I’ve seen a few quiz building tools that clients have used and must admit some of them are rather complicated. Others are far too expensive for what they are. Then there’s the free ones that achieve little. But you do need to find one that’s more than giving people a survey to fill out.
I was given access to to use quiz maker Interact, which I’m grateful for. Even so, it’s still at a reasonable price for all that it offers and has plans to suit different budgets and needs.
It’s easy to
- set up,
- build your quiz,
- build a quiz landing page or embed into an existing page
- connect with your email marketing provider and
- share on your website.
When I’m looking to share marketing tools like these ones with you, it’s always about finding things that aren’t technically challenging.
But it goes a step further with Interact. Why don’t I just show you.
How to set up the quiz
First, we need to start a new quiz.
Choose between Assessment, Personality and Score.
You can Choose a Template OR Start From Scratch.
If we decide to choose a template (which I highly recommend), you can break it down even further into industry.
The templates make creating your own online test super simple. You can model your own questions based on those in the templates. This is a fast and easy way to get your template set up.
The other thing I really love about this tool is the ability to have plain text answers or include images as well.
This makes the quiz more engaging and adds a fun element to it, even for the most boring of topics.
The bit that I think throws most people with many tools out there is connecting the questions to the relevant answer. Interact allows you to easily connect the questions to the right answer/s via a simple click. No complicated coding or advanced knowledge required.
Ideally, to keep it simple, you’d want one question to connect to one answer, rather than trying to get too complicated like the one here.
The quiz can then be connected to your email marketing system so you can collect leads automatically. Although, if you want to do it manually, you can download a CSV file of the contacts’ email addresses.
Marketing Quiz Analytics
Depending on your plan, you can also access valuable analytics to determine which answers are hitting the right spot, where in the sequence people are dropping off (which can be a clue as to whether you need to change a question or shorten your quiz) and what outcome is the most popular.
The reporting section breaks it down into:
- views
- starts
- completions
- leads
- conversions
I’ll share more on this soon.
This is one smart tool well worth exploring if personality-based marketing or question-focused lead magnets are going to be a pathway you want to build. It’s proven to be incredibly robust, with an easy to follow user interface that even the novice could navigate.
Best online quiz builder to use
I appreciate not everyone can afford to invest in TryInteract, so I thought I might add in some other quiz builders for you to look at.
I like this quiz builder because it’s a WordPress plugin that allows you to set your quiz up directly inside your website. It has a heap of functionalities, like different styles of quizzes, different ways to display questions, answers and results, multiple pathways, and connects to many email marketing platforms. I’ve used this one a lot with clients and really like how easy it is to use.
I haven’t had a chance to play with this one yet, but I know the company behind it builds intuitive software for business owners. While being simple, it allows you to do more advanced steps. Things like, easy list segmentation, quiz branching and social sharing. There’s also a great one-off price offer at the time of writing this.
You can create viral giveaways and quizzes, landing pages, forms and quizzes with this one. You can even do orders and payments, which makes it a more all-in-one platform for some businesses. It also connects directly with a lot of the tools you may be using already. It’s also a free quiz builder if you have under 500 entries per month, but you won’t get integrations.
If you want to keep things simple, then Typeform isn’t a bad option. There will be limits on what you can achieve with it, but for some the simpler format is ideal.
A pathway for your digital marketing quiz
It’s one thing to build the best online marketing quiz, but you need to set up a system in your email marketing provider that allows you to segment people into relevant pathways. Considering the work you’ve done to determine which category they fit in, depending on what your answers are, it makes little sense to then dump them all into one sequence that gives them all the same information.
There is a wonderful opportunity here to segment people and tailor the message directly to them. They’ll feel you know and understand them, which is a huge trust building element for your marketing. You can also tailor an offer that most meets their needs.
The beauty of Interact is the opportunity to take them directly from the tool itself to automatically moving through the pathway best suited to the information they provided in the quiz.
In the case of the Entrepreneurial Motivation Quiz, I was able to nurture and then offer the group motivation people a free resource to enable them to achieve a solution for one of the problems that was highlighted, followed by inviting them to access the mastermind.
Those who prefer one-to-one are given their own free resource, before access to one of my one-on-one coaching packages.
And that self motivated tribe? Well, they’re given some juicy resources to keep them moving forward. My goal is to eventually have an ebook I can offer this pathway to allow them to still gain my help, but without the one-on-one coaching or group experience. For now, they may not feel they need me, but as long as I keep building the relationship with them then I remain top of mind when they finally do decide it’s time to get some help.
Here’s a look at the sequence for my quiz to give you an idea of just how simple you can make this. (And if you do need help setting this up in either Mailchimp, Infusionsoft or ActiveCampaign, please reach out).
Driving traffic to your marketing online quiz
Gaining traffic for your quiz is a massive topic. In fact, I could do an entire post just on this. I’ve also already spoken extensively about automated website traffic to help you grow your email list. Those apply to driving traffic to your online marketing quiz too.
Here are 3 ways you can drive traffic aside from those mentioned in the website traffic building strategies post:
Share In Your Newsletter
If you have a quiz that can move casual newsletter subscribers from readers to clients, then this is one of the ideal ways to get them to take action. In The Online Marketing Mastermind I share how you can share it multiple times in your newsletter over a period of time without bugging your readers.
But for now, think about how you can share a story that builds the anticipation for them taking the quiz that will then get them excited about wanting to work with you or take up your offer.
For the Entrepreneurial Motivation Quiz, I shared a story about the motivation that hits us when we learn we’re about to have a visitor arrive – and the house is a mess! This story then transitioned into what motivation style suited them.
Another strategy is developing email marketing survey questions, where a survey-style quiz allows you to learn more about your current email list.
Run a Facebook Ad
If you’re willing to invest a little money, then running an evergreen Facebook ad to your quiz is a great way to build the number of people doing your online marketing quiz.
Rather than trying to run your quiz to cold traffic – that is, targeting your competitor or defining your audience by interests and behaviour – look to the warm audiences you have access to. These include:
- your newsletter list,
- your website traffic,
- your Facebook fans, people who have viewed your videos or
- people who have engaged with your Facebook page (this isn’t necessarily always fans).
Growing an email list is important, but when you’re in a stage of your business where it’s critical to get 1:1 or group coaching clients, then it’s better to retarget these warmer audiences and turn them from follows or readers into customers through the power of your quiz. Give them a great experience with you so that they’ll want to dive into more of what you have to offer.
Share On CoPromote
Have you signed up to CoPromote? I use a few tools which I share inside the Soulful Client Pathway Kit monthly coaching calls. This one is a great opportunity to gain some virality online for your quiz by writing a blog post, sharing it on social media and then “boosting” your social media post on CoPromote.
The great thing about CoPromote is the fact you can use the gamification element of the tool and get some shares of your content for free by sharing others’ content. Or you can pay to increase the reach of your social media status.
Ask Others to Share The Quiz
There are many strategies to encourage others to share your content for you. You can make use the share buttons at the end of the quiz tool you use. Most quiz software now has the functionality to put a share button at the end of the quiz that allows people to share their results with friends on Facebook. In turn, their friends and followers want to come and find out what answer they might get.
A more direct approach is to reach out to like-minded people in your industry or niche and ask them to share it with their networks.
Create content marketing and SEO for your quiz
You may choose to write a blog post as I’ve done to share your quiz through content marketing. Obviously, this blog post isn’t specifically about the motivation quiz, but rather quizzes in general, but I could have easily written one completely on that topic.
Or another method is to build SEO into any existing landing pages so those searching on Google come across the page online. Use SEO tools like Ubersuggest to search for quiz+whatever your keyword is. This way you can build a piece of content or a landing page around this keyword.
Next step to achieving the best marketing quiz
You can discover more traffic generating strategies to flood your email list with your most aligned client during the The Online Marketing Mastermind. It’s important to always invest either money or time where you’ll get the greatest return based on the person you’re trying to attract and the system you have in place.
If you’d like to sign up the Entrepreneurial Motivation Quiz to not only discover which motivational style suits you best so you can achieve more but also take a peek inside my working quiz and sales funnel, you can click the image below to begin:
Please note: This post includes affiliate links. This means if you click any of the links, I may receive a small commission from the company if you go on to purchase the company’s product. This does not mean you pay anything extra for their product.
I’ll really need this if I ever decide to make a marketing quiz on my blog, pinned for later!
It’s such an easy tool to use. Glad you found the post useful.
And feel free to come back and share once you’ve created your quiz. I’d love to see it! 🙂