My poor little fingers were near worn out after 30 days of continuous blogging during September. As I’ve mentioned before, blogging every day is not new to me. I did it for a year or more when starting my personal blog and wrote between six and 10 stories a day as a journalist. The writing is the easy bit.
The challenge is balancing it with parenting, writing a book, maintaining two blogs and running a business. But it’s achievable and you can gain a lot from it.
Here’s what it gave me:
- It helped keep my creative juices flowing. By being forced to blog daily, I was constantly thinking about what type of content I could offer readers. I now have a long list of posts I still need to write. They just won’t be posted daily!
- Writing posts in batches goes a long way to maintaining sanity. As I mentioned, the writing part for me is easy. It’s finding images, uploading content and sharing it to social channels that takes the time. If you can do all this in set blocks – a night for writing, a night for uploading, a night for scheduling content to social media – it can save you a lot of time.
- It helped me see more quickly what topics people were interested in which, again, helped with the creative process.
- It helped grow my following. My unique visitors and pageviews grew significantly. Although, I believe there are easier ways to do this than blog daily. More on that soon.
- One of the big things I did see was the spreading of the Kellie O’Brien Media message and brand through others sharing the posts on social media. Having fresh content daily gave people something to share regularly.
Will I continue daily blogging? Not for this blog, as I don’t see it as necessary here. One post a week will serve this site well, I think. For me, it’s also about concentrating that time on other pursuits to help grow this site. Again, more on that soon.
Here are the posts from the challenge:
- Unable to be found
- What is a blog?
- Why start a blog?
- Paid versus free blog posting (Blogger versus WordPress)
- The basics of setting up a WordPress site
- What plugins to use for better blogging
- Unable to be found
- How to start blogging
- What to blog about
- How to use keywords in your blog posts
- 6 quick tips to attract readers to your blog
- How to create a Facebook page for your business or blog
- How to create Facebook page tabs
- How to create Facebook Tabs Part 2
- 5 steps to adding cover image to your Facebook tabs
- Ideas for your facebook business page timeline cover image
- Why should you care about facebook’s algorithm?
- Quick tips for making the most of facebook
- What is facebook’s offers feature?
- 5 ways to grow your facebook business page following
- This one has disappeared
- 12 facebook business page content ideas
- How to limit the time you spend on facebook
- Do your social media followers know you care?
- Social media crisis management – do you have a plan?
- How to set up a twitter account for you business or blog
- How to install a twitter header image
- Another one that’s disappeared
- How to make twitter easier
- The elements of twitter and how to tweet
What sort of blogging schedule do you keep? What type of results have you seen?
Click the image below to learn how to make money from blogging in this 7-day mini course
I really enjoyed your Blogging for 30 series, Kellie. I looked forward to your post landing in my inbox each morning and I have definitely learnt a lot. Thank you
Thanks so much for the feedback, Margaret. That means a lot. I need to get back into that momentum again, I think! 🙂